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Geatain found an additional $266,000 annual savings on top of the $200,000 annual savings from the first audit.


Geatain was asked to evaluate an Upper East Side Department Store after another consultant completed an energy audit only six months previously. Geatain performed a whole building analysis focusing on several measures with a less than one year return on investment.


Geatain evaluated every square foot of the space and identified several available energy conservation measures focusing on less well-known infrastructure. The measures focused on the existing BMS system, steam traps, retrocommissioning and advanced heating controls.


The original audit just focused on lighting and HVAC loads and only demonstrated $200,000 annual savings. In all, Geatain recommended twelve energy conservation measures, which will save the client $266,000 annually with a return of 1.2 years. This represents a total savings to the client of 466,000 including both evaluations. Over the life of the new equipment, the client will save of $6 million, representing an attractive yield and significant revenue.

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